Other than that, I don't really have much to say so that's it.
If something is corrupted or out of the ordinary, please tell me so I can fix it. Reverted back to original famforum skin and added my modified model into optional files Retextured D to look like a crip and Gerald to look like a blood Added a ta that will change Families cars to Red and Ballas cars to Blue Backups are here just in case you don't have any: !BUYiiAgL!g-U圓0GGdrLQl0SnQkNIag If you don't switch back, then your textures will be severely fucked. I forgot to mention if you used my last version of this, you should get rid of the old famforum's ydd, yft & ymt because I changed back to the original model. I know some people wanted OIV support for a while but I've been too lazy to do it and I apologize. Edited a few things and added OIV support. I know the link says Davis NHood Crips but it's a Families to Crips & Ballas to Bloods pack. Click on "Package Installer" under "tools" and then open the. A blue bandana was worn in tribute to Buddha after he was shot and killed on February 23, 1973, which eventually became the color of blue associated with Crips.THIS USES OPENIV'S PACKAGE INSTALLER SO IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO INSTALL THESE THEN HERE'S HOW: In OpenIV there's a section named "tools" on the toolbar. A Crip Williams recalled that a blue bandana was first worn by Crips founding member Buddha, as a part of his color-coordinated clothing of blue Levi's, a blue shirt, and dark blue suspenders. Williams, in his memoir, further refuted claims that the group was a spin-off of the or formed for a community agenda, the name 'depicted a fighting alliance against street gangs-nothing more, nothing less.' Washington, who attended Fremont High School, was the leader of the East Side Crips, and Williams, who attended Washington High School, led the West Side Crips. According to the film directed by a member of the Bloods, the name represented 'Community Revolutionary Interparty Service' or 'Community Reform Interparty Service'. The name had no political, organizational, cryptic, or acronymic meaning, though some have suggested it stands for 'Common Revolution In Progress', a.